“Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” — Oscar Wilde.
Yes. Everyone else is already taken, or so it seems these days. They’re off being their most authentic selves and reaping the rewards of doing so while I and others that I know are trying so very hard to just get by, to not take it so personally when rejection comes knocking because you are being yourself. Or you’re not being yourself enough because the last time you were even that self was rejected horribly. Maybe you’re dialing it back this time around because you’re afraid of scaring him away, or looking crazy as us women are often called. The thing is, or so I’ve come to realize lately that there really isn’t any right or wrong anymore when it comes to dating nowadays, no rules or common courtesies that are being followed, even if you yourself are doing so.
So, why this blog? Because, honestly, trying to juggle having the life I want, or trying to be the person I think I want to be while still figuring all of that out and of course working a full-time job and most weekends AND trying to find that apparent special someone has definitely left its mark and given me a few insights. No, not all of them are pretty and I have definitely made my fair share of mistakes and will most likely continue to — I suppose this blog might help this messy mind of mine figure a few things out about what went wrong, what I continue to do wrong and the fella’s who while only might be small chapters of this epic ongoing saga, helped me along the way and gave me a few tales to share as well.
The secret sidekick